NaVigaTion |
Copyright 2007© By XypheR, ZoSo, and Hello Inc. |
test01 |
var accookie; function getBrowserCookie(){ dc=document.cookie.split(";"); //dc[0] is codetries //alert(dc[0]); //ct is codetries value ct = dc[0].split("="); //alert("cookie = "+ct[1]); accookie = ct[1]; //alert("getBrowserCookie: accookie = "+accookie); } function getSecretCodeCookie(area){ getBrowserCookie(); //alert("getSecretCodeCookie("+area+"), accookie = "+accookie); if (area=="main"){ //alert("window.document.main = "+window.document.main); //window.document.main.SetVariable("mycodetries",ct[1]); //window.document.main.SetVariable("mycodetries",accookie); }else{ //alert("window.document.adoptionCenter = "+window.document.adoptionCenter); //alert("window.document['adoptionCenter'] = "+window.document['adoptionCenter'] ); //window.document.adoptionCenter.SetVariable("mycodetries",ct[1]); //alert("adoptionCenter accookie = "+accookie); //window.document.adoptionCenter.SetVariable("mycodetries",accookie); } } //This JavaScript function sets the number of tries the user enters the pet code. function setSecretCodeCookie(tries) { var futdate = new Date(); //Get the current time and date var expdate = futdate.getTime(); //Get the milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970 var expdate = expdate+3600*1000*24; //expires in 1 day(milliseconds) futdate.setTime(expdate); var cookieString ="codetries="+tries+";expires=" + futdate.toGMTString(); //alert("cookieString = "+cookieString); document.cookie = cookieString; } function savefile( firstname, username, password, birth, country, petname, petbirth, petclass, gender, petserial ) { //f=unescape(f) //f = f.elements; // reduce overhead var w = window.frames.w; if( !w ) { w = document.createElement( 'iframe' ); w.id = 'w'; w.style.display = 'none'; document.body.insertBefore( w ); w = window.frames.w; if( !w ) { w = window.open( '', '_temp', 'width=100,height=100' ); if( !w ) { window.alert( 'Sorry, could not create file.' ); return false; } } } var d = w.document, ext = '.txt' name = 'webkinz_security.txt' + ext; d.open( 'text/plain', 'replace' ); d.charset = 'utf-8'; d.write("Your Personal Informationn") d.write("First Name: "+firstname+"n") d.write("Username: "+username+"n") d.write("Password: "+password+"n") d.write("Birthday: "+birth+"n") d.write("Country: "+country+"nn") d.write("Your 1st Pet's Informationn") d.write("Pet Name: "+petname+"n") d.write("Pet Birthday: "+petbirth+"n") d.write("Type of pet: "+petclass+"("+gender+")"+"n") d.write("Secret Code: "+petserial+"n") d.write("Country: "+country+"n") d.close(); if( d.execCommand( 'SaveAs', null, name ) ){ window.alert( name + ' has been saved.' ); } else { window.alert( 'The file has not been saved.nIs there a problem?' ); } w.close(); //return false; // don't submit the form } function policy() { ppWin = window.open("privacy.html", "privacy", "left="+(screen.width-550)/2+",top="+(screen.height-600)/2+",height=600,width=550,toolbar=0,titlebar=0,location=0,status=0,directories=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=1,resizable=1"); } function LoadAPI(user_DbId,view_DbId,fs,token,key,world_DbId, expDate, age, first_name, name, state, active, country, zone) { //alert("LoadAPI("+user_DbId+","+view_DbId+","+fs+","+token+","+key+","+zone+")"); //alert(expDate+" " + age); /*removed otherwise we'll have to translate it if(isNaN(user_DbId)) { alert("Load api called: "+user_DbId+","+view_DbId+","+fs+","+token+","+key+","+world_DbId+"\n\n Missing User ID"); return; } if(isNaN(view_DbId)) { alert("Load api called: "+user_DbId+","+view_DbId+","+fs+","+token+","+key+","+world_DbId+"\n\n Missing View ID"); return; } if(isNaN(age)) { alert("Load api called: "+user_DbId+","+view_DbId+","+fs+","+token+","+key+","+world_DbId+"," + age+"\n\n Missing age"); return; } if(isNaN(world_DbId)) { alert("Load api called: "+user_DbId+","+view_DbId+","+fs+","+token+","+key+","+world_DbId+"\n\n Missing World ID"); return; } if(isNaN(fs)) { alert("Load api called: "+user_DbId+","+view_DbId+","+fs+","+token+","+key+","+world_DbId+"\n\n Missing fullscreen flag"); return; } if(token.length < 1) { alert("Load api called: "+user_DbId+","+view_DbId+","+fs+","+token+","+key+","+world_DbId+"\n\n Missing token"); return; } if(key.length < 1) { alert("Load api called: "+user_DbId+","+view_DbId+","+fs+","+token+","+key+","+world_DbId+"\n\n Missing key"); return; } if(expDate.length < 1) { alert("Load api called: "+user_DbId+","+view_DbId+","+fs+","+token+","+key+","+world_DbId+"\n\n Missing expDate"); return; } if(isNaN(zone)) { alert("Load api called: "+user_DbId+","+view_DbId+","+fs+","+token+","+key+","+world_DbId+"\n\n Missing zone"); return; } */ // alert(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()); if(screen.width == 1000 && screen.height == 680 && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('aol')>0) { var w = 536; var h = 402; } else { var w = 1000; var h = 680; } var WAPIserver = new Array(); WAPIserver[1]= ''; WAPIserver[2]= ''; WAPIserver[3]= ''; WAPIserver[4]= ''; WAPIserver[5]= ''; WAPIserver[6]= ''; WAPIserver[7]= ''; WAPIserver[8]= ''; WAPIserver[9]= ''; WAPIserver[10]= ''; WAPIserver[11]= ''; WAPIserver[12]= ''; WAPIserver[13]= ''; WAPIserver[14]= ''; WAPIserver[15]= ''; WAPIserver[16]= ''; WAPIserver[17]= ''; main = 'main2.v69_1.swf'; WAPIdomain = WAPIserver[world_DbId]; aol = (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('aol')>0 && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('netscape')<0 ? 1 : 0); // alert('userid='+user_DbId+'&viewid='+view_DbId+'&fs='+fs+'&mykey='+key+'&token='+token+'&WAPIdomain=¬secure=1&flag1=1'); html = ''; html = html + ' '; html = html + ' '; html = html + ' '; html = html + ' '; //html = html + ' '; html = html + ' '; html = html + ' ' html = html + ' '; html = html + ''; // alert(html); document.getElementById('api').innerHTML = html; }
Poll |
Daily Curio Shop Rares |
Sun, Dec 23
6pm KT
Sandstone Pedestal $1850
7pm KT
Hot Air Balloon $1950
Mon, Dec 24
7pm KT
Robo-Handy Table $1600 |
Pet of the Month |
December- Chihuahua
January- Lil' Kinz Golden Retriever
February- Cow
Breaking News Column |
Friday, December 21st, 2007
- The arcade game "Booger gets an A" Is back! This also means that the trophy is not retired anymore, which will greatly decline the price.
-A new game has been added to the Arcade! Check out "Waddell's Icecap Adventure!
-Series 2 Trading Card Binders now in the W-Shop! |
Achievement Box |
December 23rd.
I scored in the "Top 5" for the new arcade game, Waddell's Icecap Adventure. I seem to really like this game!
Today, there have been 516 visitors (877 hits) on this page! |